As it relates to IPP DELTAFLEX® pipe flanges, it refers to their unique cross sectional shape (think of an I-beam) which differs significantly from the traditional rectangular (plate) cross sectional shape of pipe flanges. Because of this unique design IPP’s backing rings are fully pressure rated to specific SDR’s and have a 2:1 safety factor.
Yes. ANSI piping codes such as ANSI B16.5, B16.47, B16.1, etc. allow for design and usage of non-standardized pipe flanges by using the input criteria for pipe flange design per the Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, Appendix 2. However, should the shape of a flange look like IPP’s convoluted design, then the offered calculation formula in Appendix 2 are not applicable. Paragraph UG 101 of the P & V Code, Sec.VIII, Div.1, allows for additional means of qualifying a unique pipe flange for code controlled piping systems.
See the chart on page 10 of our catalog or click this link….Operating pressures were determined in an independent lab using FEA analysis. In addition see the disclaimer on page 11 of AWWA Specifications for Polyethylene Pressure Pipe and Fittings which states that “…the pressure ratings displayed pertain only if the flange is welded to steel pipe and do not pertain to floating flanges…”.
As for out performing other competitive flanges – we let our company’s history and quality answer that question. For forty years we have supplied millions of Flanges in difficult corrosive environments and our Deltaflex flanges have stood the test of time and the durability of mining and constructions most difficult environs in the HDPE industry. No other US supplier can make that statement.
The stress levels in the conventional flange are extremely low. Finite element proves this. When the national standards for pipe flanges were established nearly 100 years ago, flanges were sold on the basis of $/ton. Energy and resources were cheap. Curved beam theory as well as sophisticated calculation methods were not yet known. With the advent of the PC and software packages to evaluate structural elements, savings are offered in many ways.
Like an I-beam, the ability to carry loads with less weight is being practiced. The mass removal underneath the bolt circle and a slight increase in section height leads to an intelligent design. IPP simply removed the material that was not being utilized.
The IPP DELTAFLEX® Pipe Flanges are patented and offer a less rigid structure with better spring characteristics. In short, it is an all around superior design over the old patent-expired version as well as carbon steel or stainless plate flanges (please see page 10 in our catalog) or reference where it is on the site.
IPP DELTAFLEX® design is functional, safe and economical. The IPP DELTAFLEX® design is
1. lighter weight,
2. requires less energy and material to produce,
3. less energy to transport,
4. increased stocking value per square foot,
5. reduced support structures,
6. easier handling,
7. lower seismic forces to constrain and
8. superior spring characteristics
We consider it the flange of the present and future. Do not let existing standards and codes keep you from using this high-strength-to-low-weight ratio pipe flange.
Improved Piping Products maintains a full time engineering staff as well as a full time stress analyst, so when you see IPP DELTALFEX® you know you have the best. Demand the best, take no substitutes and reject anyone who claims savings but can’t support its engineering.
ASME neither accepts nor rejects convoluted flanges. It leaves the responsibility of acceptance to the piping engineer. The engineer is under no pressure or mandatory obligation to use flanges from the national standards, but he does lean toward the employment of these pipe flange standards to improve his own productivity while employing a mass produced piping component.
ASTM tests and standardizes materials leading to specifications. It defines the chemistry, the mechanical properties, and many other aspects for conformity. It establishes guidelines for the purchaser and seller of the material from which products are being made. IPP observes these ASTM material standards and specifications for all of its flanges.
It has been on the market in Europe since 1972, and in the USA and Canada since 1975 in various shapes and types.
Patents were issued to Mr. Wilhem Schulz, Krefeld, Germany around 1972. Gunter Schlicht of Syspac, Inc., Orinda, CA. USA was the USA/CANADA licensee for same.
The license arrangements were made available to Improved Piping Products (IPP), Inc. in 1979. In 1997 Gunter Schlicht, of IPP Inc. received additional patents for further convoluted pipe flange improvements.
Yes, all IPP HDPE flange adapters and DeltaFit molded fittings are manufactured in San Antonio, Texas
No, they are produced overseas with close oversight from IPP, employing extensive European quality control.
Ductile Iron: ASTM A536 Gr. 65/45/12
Stainless Steel: ASTM A351 CF8M (316), CF8, CF3M and CF3 70/30/30.
Polypropylene Encapsulated Ductile Iron: glass reinforced polypropylene with IPP DELTAFLEX® ductile iron insert ASTM A536.
Consult our dimensional tables on the products overview page. Longer bolts sometimes may be required.
Are IPP DELTAFLEX® flanges specified by major Engineering firms for domestic and international jobs?
Yes. Bechtel, Fluor Daniel, Kvaerner, KBR, and others have specified our products for Mining, Chemical Processing, Water and Wastewater, Corrosive Applications and Power Applications. . . and the list goes on. IPP DELTAFLEX® backing rings are sold worldwide and are in major operations throughout the USA, Canada, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina,Papua New Guinea, China, Dominican Republic, Phillipines, Bahamas, and throughout Europe.
Most of our standard IPP DELTAFLEX® flanges are designed to suit the ANSI B16.5 Class 150 pressure classification (275 psi operating pressure).
However, should your project need here pressure class rings please give us a call. We can supply various rings to meet your needs.
1/2″ through 65″ to suit nominal pipe size.
Yes. Through in-house engineering and FEA (Finite Element Analysis) we can produce pipe flanges to meet your needs. Recent examples were 48” SDR 11 SS 316 Convoluted Rings for Fluor and 1000mm PPDA rings for Georg Fischer.
Of course, several millions for worldwide installations. We stand behind the design and quality of our products and back that up with Insurance encompassing worldwide installations.
Improved Piping Products is committed to quality. We spare no expense to ensure each flange adapter meets ASTM, AWWA, NSF and ANSI standards. We use the best HPDE resin available on the market. Continuous quality control measures are implemented throughout the manufacturing process and are performed by exceptional staff with several decades worth of experience in the plastics industry. Our flanges regularly pass UV testing as well as Time of Flight Deflection (TOFD) tests. So when FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION . . . Think IPP. We stand by our product and its quality.
All IPP’s HDPE material is made from Dow Chemical domestic resin PE 4710, DGDA-2490 NT Quad Spec Resin – compatible with 3408, 3608, 4710 and P100 Resins.
IPP has manufactured HDPE Flange adapters in sizes 2”-24” for over a decade. With the addition of our manufacturing plant in San Antonio, Texas in 2008 – IPP now manufactures fittings through 65″.
– HDPE flange adapter from 2” to 63” in various SDRs
– Backing rings in stainless steel, ductile iron, epoxy-coated, and galvanized from 1” to 65”
– Polypropylene encapsulated ductile iron backing rings in sizes 2”-36”
– MJ adapters DIPS 3” to 48”
– MJ adapters IPS 18” to 48”
– Stub Ends
– Wall Anchors IPS/DIPS 18″ to 63″
– Valve Spacers IPS/DIPS 18″ to 63″
– Concentric/eccentric reducers 18″ and above
For a complete listing see our product page see our products overview page. Call us for any new product required and we will be happy to evaluate production for you.
1. Minimum Order Amount = $200.00; orders under this amount will be charged a processing fee equal to the difference in order amount versus minimum order amount.
2. IPP will Full Freight Allow orders $2750.00 or greater that include 2”-24” Flange Adapters w/ Backing Rings only. FFA will not apply for expedited shipment requests. This would include next day or overnight shipment requests.
3. FFA does not apply to orders for Backing Rings only. 26” and larger product offerings do not fall under FFA policies