Standard Beveled Flange Adapters - 2" to 24"


Material Designation

PE 4710



Meets Requirements:

AWWA C906 (4" & up) ; ASTM D2513; ASTM D3261

Meets Dimensional Requirements:

AWWA C906 (4" & up) ; ASTM D3261

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Regular Dimensions

2 2.375 4.000 6.000 0.250
3 3.500 5.000 6.000 0.250
4 4.500 6.598 6.800 0.380
6 6.625 8.500 8.000 0.380
8 8.625 10.598 9.000 0.380
10 10.750 12.799 10.750 0.380
12 12.750 15.252 11.000 0.380
14 14.000 17.500 11.000 0.500
16 16.000 20.000 12.000 0.500
18 18.000 21.098 12.000 0.500
20 20.000 23.500 12.750 0.500
22 22.000 25.600 13.000 0.500
24 24.000 27.900 14.000 0.500
Generated by wpDataTables

SDR 11 With Extended Hub Dimensions

SIZE OD-3 T-1 T-2
2 2.250 0.216 0.504
3 3.250 0.318 0.700
4 4.250 0.409 1.120
6 6.250 0.602 1.344
8 8.000 0.784 1.820
10 10.000 0.977 2.240
12 12.000 1.159 2.549
14 13.000 1.273 2.848
16 15.000 1.455 3.250
18 17.250 1.636 4.108
20 19.000 1.818 3.880
22 21.270 2.000 4.188
24 23.250 2.182 4.610
Generated by wpDataTables

Improved Piping Products has the full capability to custom design HDPE flange adapters to work with butterfly valves. Butterfly valves have a disc that rotates outside the valve body and in many situations (depending on the SDR) the disc will rotate and hit the ID of a standard flange adapters. By modifying the ID of a flange adapter with a bevel, the disc can operate properly. However, to correctly calculate the bevel degree IPP requires either the valve specifications or the customer fill out our valve request sheet (click here).

The final consideration is line pressure. With certain bevels, the flange adapter may not perform at the proper pressure. IPP can overcome this in many cases by using a lower SDR (2″ to 16″) with a thicker hub or by manufacturing a thicker hub (18″ to 63″). In all bevel requests, a signed drawing is necessary prior to production.

If you have any questions or need a submittal, please call 800-969-0962 to speak with our knowledgeable sales staff or Send Email for a quote.